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What Is Custom Made Roof Flashing

Roof flashing is a material used to seal the edges of roofs and prevent water damage. It is typically made of metal or plastic and is installed around roof protrusions such as vents, chimneys, and skylights. Roof flashing helps to shed water away from these vulnerable areas and redirect it down the slope of the roof where it can safely drain off. Without roof flashing, water would be able to seep into the cracks and crevices around these protrusions and cause serious damage to the interior of the home. In addition, roof flashing provides an additional layer of protection against wind and weather damage. By sealing off these vulnerable areas, the roof flashing here.

Purpose of flashing

You may suppose roofing is the real superhero with regards to stopping water from getting into your home. But the fact is, flashing is not an appreciated sidekick. It isn’t mainly interesting or fascinating, however, it is an essential process. Flashing is metallic used at numerous joints, inclusive of roof lines, chimneys, windows, and corners, to save you water from getting beneath shingles and destructive to the indoors of your home. Flashing is an essential part of the whole roofing process. Without underlay, the shingles will not be able to do their process comfortably. Therefore, top roofing companies in Arkansas pay significant attention to flashing. 

Guide To roof flashing installation

It is important to take the time to install roof flashing correctly to avoid any potential problems with your home's roof. Here are a few significant steps to follow while installing roof flashing:

1. You should have surety that the area where you are planning to install the flashing is clear and free of debris. If there is any dirt or debris there, the installation process may get compromised. Moreover, it can also have a bad impact on the quality of flashing.

2. Measure the area where you will be installing the flashing and cut it to size. You must show utmost care when doing this. This is because if measurement and cutting are not done suitably, you may face many problems during installation.

3. Install the flashing under the shingles and over the sheathing.

4. Nail the flashing in place.

5. Seal the edges of the flashing with caulk or roofing cement. You should use high-quality material for this purpose. If the sealing process is not suitably done, you can face many problems such as; leaks and many more.

6. Inspect the area around the flashing periodically to ensure that it is still in good condition. This step will help you to rule out any fault in the roof flashing and prevent you from a great loss.

Following these steps will help you to install roof flashing correctly and avoid any potential problems.

Types Of Roof Flashing

There are four main types of roof flashing: step flashing, valley flashing, chimney flashing, and skylight flashing. Each type of flashing has a specific purpose and must be installed correctly to ensure a watertight seal.

  • Continuous flashing: This includes an extended sheet of steel set up at the roof’s floor that diverts water onto the roof’s part and into the gutter. It is highly important in maintaining the sewerage system on the top of your roof.

  • Base flashing: Roofs with chimneys require components of flashing. This facilitates in directing of rainwater at the flashing floor that sends the water downwards.

  • Counter flashing: Counter flashing is set up contrary to base flashing. It guarantees that water can’t seep into the chimney or shingles.

  • Step flashing: This is a square flashing floor set up in numerous layers that guard the partitions against soaking up water over time.

Roof flashing is an important part of any roofing system and must be installed correctly to ensure a watertight seal. If you are unsure about how to install roof flashing, please consult a professional roofer.


Roof flashing is highly important before getting roofing Arkansas. It can protect your house from various casualties. This blog has the necessary information about roof flashing. You will not only get information about the purpose of this flashing but also, get to know about their types. 

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